28. jul. 2016

2016 07 27 Vi er i krig | Newspeek

Donald Trump's entire Republican convention speech

Why Donald Trump Is Different | Bill Mitchell and Stefan Molyneux

15. jul. 2016

Daniel Pipes: Three possibilities for Europe’s future as Islamization grows | Rebel Media

Newt Gingrich: Deport every Muslim who believes in Sharia | Fox News

Tommy Robinson and Dave Rubin: Islam, Immigration, and Pegida (Full Interview)

Nice attack by Muslim terrorist: Fruit of France's careless immigration policies | Rebel Media

Donald Trump reacts to Nice attack on 'The O'Reilly Factor' | Fox News

Phares: Europe awakening to waves of jihadists | FOX News

What Pisses Me Off About The Bastille Day Terrorist Attack | Nice, France | Stefan Molyneux

Bone chilling speech about threat of Islam in Europe