31. mar. 2016

The Failure of The Regressive Left | Islamic Terrorist Attacks | Stefan Molyneux

The North Germanic Languages of the Nordic Nations

26. mar. 2016

Ben Carson on Islam and politics | Fox News

The Islamic terror threat in America | FOX News

America Dissatisfied with Obama's Progress on Terror | PJ Media

History Buffs: Gladiator

The Reconquista

Jihad Returns to Belgium | David Wood

Donald Trump Says Muslims Are Protecting Each Other | Good Morning Britain

12. mar. 2016

Q&A: Fear of Success, Finding Belief in Yourself & Fear of Failure | Brian Tracy

Backlash over Germany's open-door policy | CNN

Timelapse of Islam's spread through Africa

Islam - 270 Million people killed in 1400 Years - What Every Human Must Know!

Fact-Checking "10 Lies You Were Told about Islam" (Part One)

Hans-Hermann Hoppe: Why Democracy Fails | misesmedia

Meet European dissidents fighting back against radical Islam | Rebel Media


Islam: 622-1453 | Ollie Bye

4. mar. 2016

Toronto police inspector's article on Paris terror attack doesn’t name Islam | Rebel Media

Mikael Jalving: hvad med om vi begyndte at hævde vores grænser?

Kim Bodnia følte sig ikke sikker som jøde i Malmø

The Hidden Rape of Europe | Toni Bugle and Stefan Molyneux

Muhammad and the Origins of Islam

Special report: Inside Muslim majority neighborhoods of Malmo, Sweden | Rebel Media

Battle of Tours, 732: Islam Halted

The Reconquista - The Battle of Covadonga

The Truth About the Arab Conquest of Spain (711-788)