31. jan. 2015

How to Plan Your Week | The Art of Manliness


Stephan Erdman | How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You

Reuters | Teachers learn to shoot after Peshawar school attack

"Adele" Sings "Skymall" - CONAN on TBS

John Stossel - Privatize Everything

1936 Cord 810/812: The Beautiful Baby Duesenberg That Never Caught On - Jay Leno's Garage

Pat Condell - Hello Saudi Arabia

1950 Nash Ambassador Custom - Jay Leno's Garage

MisesMedia | Dan Mitchell: The Immoral US Tax Regime

Brian Tracy | How to Write a Book

Ayn Rand Institute | Free Speech and the Battle for Western Culture

25. jan. 2015

Reuters | Thousands of Palestinians protest Charlie Hebdo Mohammad cartoon

CNN | Spain arrests four in possible terror cell

Stefan Molyneux | How Much Can You Change?

CNN | Why one man left Islamic fundamentalism

'Rise of Radical Islam' - Sean Hannity Special - [COMPLETE] | FOX News

Freedom House and Amnesty International on Saudi Arabia



Media In Denial | Mark Steyn and Sean Hannity on Fox News (8/1/15)

22. jan. 2015

CNN | 'Charlie Hebdo does not stop people from believing...

PJ Media | The Nazis Were Socialists, Not Right-Wingers

PJ Media | Stone Cold Conservative: Sweet Emotion Wins Hearts to Cause of Liberty

BBC News | Yazidi women: Slaves of the Caliphate

Stefan Molyneux | Economic Collapse in 409 Seconds

CNN (with a liberal-vietnam-war-narrative)] U.S. officials: Coalition killed 6,000+ ISIS fighters

Charlie Hebdo's moral endurance



"The cartoonists, editors, and staff at Charlie Hebdo sit atop today’s pyramid of moral endurance, and everyone’s freedom, dignity, and integrity depend on the kind of courage they embody and display." -- Craig Biddle , the Objective Standard.




20. jan. 2015

Bill Warner, PhD: Voices for the Voiceless


John Stossel - Climate Catastrophe

FOX News | Concern over extensive European terror network

Stefan Molyneux | Thou Shalt Not Talk About My Momma

Message Geert Wilders on Paris attack (8/1/15)


Do British mosques have a problem with extremism? | Channel 4 News

Reuters | Anti-Islam movement PEGIDA show defiance with rallies in Munich and Berlin

FOX News | Why you should care about Obama's tax hike plan

16. jan. 2015

A country and western song about bare breasts and world peace

Bill Warner, PhD: The Not So Golden Age of Islam

Reuters | Turkish premier equates Israel's Netanyahu to Paris attackers

Coffee Table Books That Didn't Sell 01/14/15 - CONAN on TBS

PBS Newshour |Europe’s porous borders pose problems in hunt for terrorists

ABC News | Exclusive Video: FBI Sting Operation Catches Would-Be Bomber

ABC News | Terror Raids: Two Killed in Anti-Terror Operation in Belgium

Caroline Glick tells off Danish ambassador

15. jan. 2015

RELOAD: Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret - Dr Bill Warner (FULL video) - history of Islam in 45 minutes

FOX News | Political Insiders Part 4: Mitt Romney 2016

Virgin Galactic - Introducing our Second Spaceship

CNN | Nearly killed for satire, Syrian cartoonist stands proud

BBC News | Boko Haram: Destruction of Nigerian town shown in satellite images

CNN | ISIS-inspired attack on U.S. Capitol thwarted

E Pluribus Unum: Multiculturalism Caused the Paris Attacks | Afterburner w/Bill Whittle

Pat Condell | Nothing to do with Islam

14. jan. 2015

The Best Of Bossa Nova

Ayn Rand speech: The Sanction of the Victims

Reuters | Latest Charlie Hebdo edition sells out in minutes

Reuters | German 'anti-Islamization' march in Dresden draws record numbers

PBS Newshour | Terrorist training of Paris attacker puts spotlight on Yemen

FOX News | Pamela Geller on Hannity Fox News: Bill Donahue, Charles Hebdo, Kosher Supermarket, Paris Jihad

CNN | Jews flee France on anti-Semitism fears

Germany Anti-Immigrant Protest Grows | The New York Times

Pamela Geller on CBS Discussing Islamic Antisemitism Ads: Kosher Supermarket Slaughter

CNN | Victims of Paris kosher market attack laid to rest

Marine Le Pen: 'Eradicate cancerous Islamic fundamentalism' | Channel 4 News

FOX News | Mike Huckabee on defeating the Jihad


Ben Shapiro: Fracking Saved the Obama Economy

Top Gear Series 22: LEGO preview trailer! - BBC

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:: Islam not about murder

PBS Newshour | Resisting the marshmallow and the success of self-control

An American Not in Paris: Where Was the Civil Rights Icon of Our Age?

12. jan. 2015

1971 Citröen DS - Jay Leno's Garage

David Cameron: I defend the right to offend | Channel 4 News

Anders Samuelsen- Vi vinder over islamismen

Scenes From Paris Rally Against Violence | Paris Shooting Terror Attack at Charlie Hebdo News | The New York Times

CNN | Boko Haram's deadliest massacre

CNN | French Muslim leader calls to abandon political Islam

ABC News | Paris March: Leaders, Citizens Join Together in Historic Rally

9. jan. 2015

Johan Norberg - Economic Liberty In Zambia

Stefan Molyneux | Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack in Paris, France | True News

PJ Media | Poll Position: Vast Majority of French Jews Considering Leaving France

CNN | American cartoonist: The pen is mightier than the sword

CNN | Cartoonists unite in wake of Charlie Hebdo attack

Anders Samuelsen: Fjern blasfemi paragraffen

The Most Important Economic Principle You Need To Know

PBS Newshour | Resentment grows between Christians and Muslims in France

PBS Newshour |Death of cartoonists draws out defense of free expression

CNN | Simpsons actor: 'Satire is meant to draw blood'

3. jan. 2015

Joe Satriani - The Crush Of Love (Live in Golden Gate Park) 1991

John Stossel - Control Freaks and the Damage They Do

Thomas Sowell - Government As Decision Maker

ABC News | 11 Biggest Blockbusters of 2015

Afterburner | Think Small! Bill Whittle's Recipe for Success in 2015

PBS Newshour | How to keep your New Year’s resolutions

Helle Abild Hansen(LA): Utilpassede unge skal ikke belønnes

BBC News | Most cancer result of 'bad luck'

PBS NewsHour | Do minimum wage increases actually help the poor?