31. aug. 2016

The Kelly File 8/30/16 - Clinton Emails Recovered By FBI; Pastor's Controversial Clinton Tweet


Huma's warnings damaging to Clinton in new emails | Fox News

Huffington Post TERMINATED Me For Questioning Hillary's Health | David Seaman

[JUSTICE] | Stefan Molyneux

FBI to release Clinton email report | FOX News

Hillary Clinton, Frank Zappa - Identity Revealed

Guy Milliere presentation at the Can Islam Coexist with the West presentation

19. aug. 2016

Hillary Perjury FBI Investigation, Clinton Foundation Corruption: Special Report 8/16/16

Why Donald Trump Is Winning - Or Is He? | Scott Adams and Stefan Molyneux

Trump shows regrets over remarks that caused 'personal pain' | Fox News

Former Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu Praises Donald Trump | CNN

Grundlovstale af Peter Seier Christensen, Nye Borgerlige, 2016

Mikael Jalving: Vi har været kulturblinde

Niels Krause Kjær vs. Ole Birk Olesen- Markedsøkonomi

Nyt borgerligt parti på vej frem! (maj 2016)

Asger Aamund: Om Islam

Nye Borgerlige | Mikael Jalving udspørger Pernille Vermund fra "Nye Borgerlige" om partiets politik på Folkemødet 2016!

Lessons from Ayn Rand

Deadline: Pernille Vermund - om partiet Nye Borgerlige (april 2016)

Poul Højlund (Nye Borgerlige) om Skat, EU, Indvandring og Forsvar

15. aug. 2016

Penn Jillette on Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, And Why He's All in on Gary Johnson | ReasonTV

Gary Johnson and William Weld on Hillary, Trump, and Why You Should Vote Libertarian | Reason TV


Gary Johnson and Bill Weld - CNN Town Hall 8/3/16

How Gary Johnson would debate Trump and Clinton | Gary Johnson

Judge Jeanine: Now we know why Hillary used private email | FOX News


Freedom in the 50 States | CATO Institute

Still Report #R 1117 – Rand Paul – Hillary Could Get 5 Years (this is mostly about the email-scandal)

14. aug. 2016

Still Report # 1113 – NY Prosecutor Goes After Clinton Foundation





The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Email Controversy | Stefan Molyneux

Rudy Giuliani: Clinton Foundation "is a classic RICO enterprise", Bribery Op

New developments in Hillary Clinton pay for play scandal | FOX News

Will media continue to ignore latest Clinton controversy? | FOX News

The Alex Jones Channel: Rand Paul And Donald Trump Agree: Hillary Created ISIS

FULL On the Record August 12th '16 - Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton & Clinton Foundation Scandals

State Department emails shed light on Clinton charity ties | FOX News